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Certificate Migration - May 2018 [COMPLETED]

Last Updated: Sat May 12 11:30 2018 UTC

What's Happening?

During May 2018 we're changing Certificate Authorities (CA's) and migrating our domain's security certificates from GlobalSign to Let's Encrypt.

What's Affected?

All domains and * sub domains (including our cloud-hosted customer's domains)

Why Is This Happening?

Switching to Let's Encrypt allows to simplify and automate the management of security certificates across our network.

Will I Notice Anything Different?

In short, probably not!

In order to migrate our CA from GlobalSign to Let's Encrypt, we'll need to remove the current GlobalSign (AlphaSSL) certificate from each * domain and generate a new Let's Encrypt certificate in its place:

CA Migration to Let's Encrypt

This process can take a few minutes, during which time the particular * domain being migrated may temporarily become inaccessible or warn of an invalid security certificate.

If this happens, don't worry - simply check back again in a few moments and you should be able to access again as normal.

We'd also like to reassure you that no domains, URLs, or IP addresses are changing as a result of this CA migration.

If you experience any issues or have any concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us and we'll be happy to help!

A note for cloud-hosted API users

Whilst unlikely, depending upon your code and development platform/language, you may initially receive a certificate warning/error when making API calls once the security certificate for your dedicated * subdomain has been migrated, which may prevent your code/app from working until you accept the new security certificate.

Also, in some rare cases, you may not be able to access the API if your platform/device is listed as incompatible in Let's Encrypt certificate compatibility list.

Finally, please be aware that Let's Encrypt issues auto-renewing certificates which are valid for fixed periods of 90 days.

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