What's Happening?
From 1st March 2017, we'll start automatically redirecting traffic for the domain midas.hosting to cloud-hosted customer's dedicated *.mid.as sub-domainsWho's Affected?
This change only affects those customers who purchased a cloud-hosted MIDAS system prior to 2016, and who still access their MIDAS system via the midas.hosting domain.Self-hosted customers, cloud-hosted customers who purchased MIDAS from 2016 onwards, or cloud-hosted customers who purchased MIDAS prior to 2016 but who are already accessing their MIDAS systems via their dedicated *.mid.as sub-domain are not affected by this change.
Why Is This Happening?
From 2016 onwards we provide our new cloud-hosted customers with their own dedicated mid.as sub-domain to access their hosted MIDAS system through. For instance, a company named "Your Organization" may choose the sub-domain https://your-organization.mid.as.Prior to the launch of dedicated mid.as sub-domains for new cloud-hosted customers 2016, customers who purchased a cloud-hosted edition of MIDAS prior to this would access their hosted MIDAS systems via redirects like https://mid.as/your-organization (which in turn would redirect to https://midas.hosting/your-organization)
Whilst midas.hosting links themselves have never been the "official" URL for any customer's hosted MIDAS system we are aware that many customers bookmarked, linked to, and used these unofficial URLS instead of the official URL for their MIDAS system.
On 29th September 2016, we subsequently rolled out dedicated mid.as sub-domains to all our cloud hosted customers who purchased prior to 2016 too, and informed affected customers, encouraging them to update their bookmarks and links to their new dedicated sub-domain accordingly.
Whilst outdated links to midas.hosting have continued to remain valid since the roll-out of dedicated sub-domains (meaning affected customers could either access their MIDAS system via old links like https://midas.hosting/your-organization OR the new method of https://your-organization.mid.as), we are still observing a significant number of customers continuing to access via the old midas.hosting domain.
Therefore, from 1st March 2017, we intent to start automatically redirecting traffic for the domain midas.hosting to cloud-hosted customer's dedicated *.mid.as sub-domains.
Do I Need To Do Anything?
- If you've currently bookmarked https://midas.hosting/your-organization in your web browser, or have this set as your start page, etc, please update these links to instead point to https://your-organization.mid.as
- If you've placed any links on your organization's website to the midas.hosting domain, please update these to instead point to your dedicated MIDAS sub-domain
Further guidance on these changes may be found in this blog post
Will I Notice Anything Different When I Login?
Links to midas.hosting will continue to remain active for some time, however, from 1st March 2017 they will automatically start redirecting to *.mid.as sub domains.If you usually access your hosted MIDAS system via the domain midas.hosting, and you use the "Remember Me?" option on your MIDAS login page to save your credentials for your next visit, then you'll find that when you are re-directed to your dedicated *.mid.as sub-domain for the first time that the email/password fields will be empty and you'll manually have to re-enter them in order to login.
If you can't remember your credentials, you can use the "Forgot Your Password?" option to reset it. Alternatively, you can speak with your organization's MIDAS administrator who will be able to reset your password for you (via MIDAS Admin Options → Manage Users & Permissions)
Once you login for the first time via your dedicated *.mid.as sub-domain, you may also find that a number of display options have reset to their defaults (for example, the number of days shown in your booking grid, the sort order on the Pending Booking Requests screen, the last selected tab on the Manage MIDAS screen, etc). However, upon subsequent logins via your dedicated *.mid.as sub-domain, these settings will persist as before.
What about API access?
If your API calls are currently coded to point to "midas.hosting", then going forward you'll need to make a small update to your code to make your API calls to your dedicated *.mid.as sub-domain instead.If you don't make this simple update to your code, then from 1st March 2017 the following will happen:
- If you're currently making API calls to "midas.hosting" via "POST" requests, "POST" parameters cannot be redirected, and therefore from 1st March 2017 your API calls will start to return "invalid api key" errors.
- If you're currently making API calls to "midas.hosting" via "GET" requests, from 1st March 2017 your API calls will initially return a http 301 ("Moved Permanently") status. If your code isn't able to correctly handle http 301 response codes, your code will fail to retrieve a correct API response.
We've previously contacted all API customers that this domain migration may affect back on 23rd October 2016, to allow them sufficient time to adjust their coding as necessary.