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Service Outage - February 16th 2016

Last Updated: Tue Feb 16 18:10 2016 UTC

Latest Update:

Tue Feb 16 18:10 2016 UTC:

An earlier hardware connectivity issue affecting a handful of our hosted customers to server 'mercury' has now been addressed.
However, as part of their pro-active response, our hosting provider are currently replacing the affected hardware as a precaution.
We will continue to monitor and post further updates accordingly...

Previous Updates:

Tue Feb 16 17:40 2016 UTC:

Our hosting provider are aware of the issue and are urgently investigating.
Further updates to follow...

Tue Feb 16 17:30 2016 UTC:

We're aware of a connectivity issue currently affecting a handful of our hosted customers on server 'mercury' and are presently investigating.
Further updates will follow...

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